Jilledu, scientifically known as Madhuca longifolia, is a captivating tropical evergreen tree renowned for its beauty and versatility. This majestic tree boasts lush green foliage, fragrant flowers, and produces edible fruits with a unique flavor. Jilledu is not only visually stunning but also offers numerous ecological and economic benefits.
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Jilledu, scientifically known as Madhouse Mongolian, is a captivating tropical evergreen tree renowned for its beauty and versatility. This majestic tree boasts lush green foliage, fragrant flowers, and produces edible fruits with a unique flavor. Fulfilled is not only visually stunning but also offers numerous ecological and economic benefits.
Jilledu thrives in tropical and subtropical climates with warm temperatures and moderate rainfall. It prefers well-drained, fertile soils with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. It is commonly found in deciduous forests, along riverbanks, and in open woodlands.
Water the Jilledu tree regularly, especially during the initial growth stages. Reduce watering frequency as the tree matures. However, ensure the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged.
Apply a balanced NPK fertilizer to the base of the tree during the growing season. Organic fertilizers like compost and cow dung manure can also be used.
Re-potting may be necessary for young Jilledu trees as they grow. Choose a larger pot with adequate drainage holes. Gently remove the tree from the existing pot, loosen the roots, and place it in the new pot with fresh potting mix.
Jilledu trees typically start fruiting 3-5 years after planting. The fruiting season usually occurs during the spring and summer months.
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