Ganuga, scientifically known as Pongamia pinnata, is a versatile, drought-resistant tree native to the Indian subcontinent. Renowned for its medicinal properties and environmental benefits, Ganuga offers a range of advantages, from improving soil health to providing valuable resources.
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Ganuga, scientifically known as Pongamia pinnata, is a versatile, drought-resistant tree native to the Indian subcontinent. Renowned for its medicinal properties and environmental benefits, Ganuga offers a range of advantages, from improving soil health to providing valuable resources.
Ganuga trees thrive in tropical and subtropical climates. They are adaptable to various soil types but prefer well-drained soil.
Water the newly planted Ganuga tree regularly, especially during dry periods. Once established, it can tolerate drought conditions.
Apply a balanced organic fertilizer once or twice a year during the growing season.
Repotting is generally not required for Ganuga trees, as they are long-lived and can grow quite large. However, if necessary, repot in a larger container with fresh, well-draining soil.
Ganuga trees typically start fruiting 3-4 years after planting. The fruiting season varies depending on the climate.
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