Srigandham, or Sandalwood, is a revered tree renowned for its fragrant heartwood. This slow-growing evergreen tree has been prized for centuries in various cultures for its medicinal, spiritual, and aesthetic properties. Its calming aroma and therapeutic benefits make it a valuable addition to any home or garden.
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Experience the captivating fragrance and spiritual significance of Srigandham (sandalwood), a revered tree species renowned for its aromatic heartwood. This slow-growing evergreen tree is highly prized for its valuable timber used in traditional medicine, religious ceremonies, and perfumery. Cultivating Srigandham is a rewarding endeavor, offering a connection to ancient traditions and a valuable resource for generations to come.
Srigandham thrives in warm, tropical climates with well-drained soil. It prefers regions with moderate rainfall and ample sunlight. Suitable locations include:
Water regularly during the initial stages of growth, especially during dry periods. Reduce watering frequency as the tree matures.
Apply a balanced organic fertilizer like compost or vermi compost annually during the early growth stages. Avoid excessive fertilization.
Re-pot young Srigandham trees every 2-3 years into larger containers to accommodate their growing root system. Use well-draining potting mix.
Srigandham trees typically start fruiting after 10-15 years of age. The fruiting season varies depending on the region and climate.
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